Tuesday, March 2, 2010

planting (inside) while it snows (outside)

Thinking about our garden for the spring/summer and we decided we would start from seeds this year vs small plants, as we usually do.

Ironically, it snowed today which was quite funny to be planting our seeds while it was snowing, especially in North Carolina!

The seeds we are trying to start from seed (so far) are 3 types of tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, jalapeno peppers (for salsa!), bell peppers, basil, and a couple types of flowers. The worst that can happen is that we have to buy plants when it is warmer...

Daniel planted his first and then Katie planted some when she got back from preschool (and I planted a few too) I numbered the containers and the corresponding number is on the seed packet so we can keep them straight!

This is what covered my kitchen table today:

We like using the pots that you can put straight into the ground

This is a shot of outside in the late morning as we were planting...not sure you can see the flakes coming down, but they are!

my handsome planter

and it kept snowing outside

My other planter came home from preschool and helped out

The medicine dropper to water the dirt has the added benefit of building fine motor skills

And by the evening, we had over 2 inches...we can't wait until it is warm enough to plant our plants outside!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you posted your blog address on Facebook this afternoon. I love reading my friend's blogs and will be checking back regularly. I love seeing what other homeschool families are doing and this post reminded me that I really want to plant a garden this summer, no matter how small it is. We've never done a garden and I think it is high time we planted a few veggie plants of our own!
